In our churches, we have so much to offer people living with dementia, together with their families and friends, and we have so much to learn from them too. It’s a journey from head-level belief and doctrine to heart-level belonging, being with one another.
Wigginton Parish churches, St Leonard’s and Spital Chapel, are certified Dementia Friendly churches and in June 2023 we were awarded with our third certificate by Bishop Michael. Bishop Michael Ipgrave, the Bishop of Lichfield, affirmed that he is “proud to be part of a Diocese that takes Dementia-Friendly Church seriously”.
We have a living with dementia team working in the parish, willing to advise or help in any way, with many contacts to find you an answer if needed. Our shared vision in the Diocese of Lichfield is of a church that partners with others in seeking the common good, working for justice as a people of hope.
Local community information Local Contact:
Contact Revd. Debra, Janet Smith or Sue Sly any time for help and advise (see "Contact Us" page of this website).
The Tamworth Dementia Friendly Community is made up of organisations that operate across the town, together with a number of families living with dementia and are working together to make Tamworth Dementia Friendly.
They meet on a bi monthly basis to review progress & determine the scope for future projects.
Karen Clancy
Tamworth Borough Council